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【人民日报】美媒: “习奥会”将对整个21世纪世界格局产生影响

2013年06月11日 04:24 来源: 人民日报 本报北京6月10日电 综合本报驻外记者报道:5月31日至6月6日,国家主席习近平应邀对特立尼达和多巴哥、哥斯达黎加、墨西哥进行国事访问;6月7日至8日,习近平主席在美国加利福尼亚州安纳伯格庄园同奥巴马总统举行中美元首会晤。国际社会对此持续关注,并给予积极评价。 墨西哥国立自治大学经济系教授亚历杭德罗表示,习主席出访拉美3国,凸显中国新一届政府对拉美的重视。拉中双方都处在一个重要的发展时期,加强拉中合作对双方有显著的战略意义。 哥斯达黎加贸易部长安娜贝尔·冈萨雷斯表示,习主席的访问拉近了中国同拉美的关系,拉美各国能在快速增长的中国市场中找到机会,而中国也为拉美基础设施建设等作出了巨大贡献。 巴西里约热内卢大学金砖政策中心总协调人阿德里安娜表示,习主席此访为拉美发展带来了福音,不仅有基础设施建设等领域的投资和合作项目,还为哥斯达黎加的农产品带来了广阔市场。 巴西工商联合会主席韦伯·巴哈尔指出,中国已成为众多拉美国家最主要的贸易伙伴,拉美国家非常愿意加深同中国的关系。此次高层访问彰显了中国对拉美地区的重视,有利于拉中关系的发展。 波兰科学院政治事务研究所亚太中心主任瓦尔德玛尔·加科教授表示,习主席的首次美洲之行是一次全方位的平衡外交,取得了十分重要和积极的成果,此访无论是对中拉关系还是对整个亚太地区的发展都有深远影响。 欧洲国际政治经济研究中心主任弗雷德里克·埃里克森说,习主席拉美之行增进了拉美和加勒比国家对中国的了解,加深了中拉战略互信。 韩联社文章认为,习主席对拉美3国的访问意味着中国在太平洋东岸的影响力有了很大提高,通过访问,中国与加勒比海国家的经济合作和外交关系都得到了加强。 巴基斯坦《每日时报》文章认为,习主席此访,有利于在互利共赢和互相尊重的基础上,增进中国与拉美国家和美国之间的了解,加强商贸合作和其他方面的往来,也有利于亚太的繁荣与稳定,并扩大中国的国际影响力。 《今日美国》报发表署名文章认为,奥巴马总统与习近平主席的会晤十分重要。两国元首会晤有助于探索新型大国关系,这一关系将对整个21世纪世界格局产生影响。 美国前财长保尔森发表声明说,美中元首会晤不仅促进相互了解,更为美中两国建立更为紧密的双边关系提供了良好契机。 美国太平洋论坛主席科萨表示,此次美中元首会晤告诉亚洲其他国家,美中两国领导人将把加强在一

15 Tahun Menunda, Tapi Tidak Lupa (Mei 1998)

15 tahun yang lalu hari ini, sebuah tragedi melumpuhkan nalar dan hati kita di Jakarta. Hari-hari yang paling menakutkan dalam sejarah hidup saya sebagai seorang perempuan Tionghoa di Indonesia, di mana naluri saya terasa terjambak untuk kemudian bertanya secara kritis apa makna menjadi seorang "Indonesia".  Sejujurnya, saya bukan seorang perempuan yang mudah takut. Sebagai seorang siswi di sebuah SMP Katolik di daerah Pecinan, saya sudah terbiasa "tawuran" dan berkelahi dengan lawan jenis yang secara fisik lebih besar dari saya. Tapi 15 tahun lalu, saya mengenal rasa takut yang begitu melumpuhkan. 15 tahun sudah lewat, 15 tahun saya menunda-nunda menulis tentang kejadian saat itu dan tentang timbunan amarah, kesedihan, rasa syukur dan harapan sepanjang 15 tahun ini yang menjadikan saya seperti apa adanya sekarang - dari perempuan Katolik kelas menengah Tionghoa yg memilih menjadi peneliti di thinktank dengan sejarah kontroversial demi Indonesia yg lebih baik.

OPINION: “Fuying" Style: China’s fresh diplomatic gambit

Jakarta Post, 21 March 2013. In the midst of public debates on various issues during the recently concluded “Two Sessions” — the first session of the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference (CPPCC) session — the first ever female spokesperson of this politically charged and internationally observed event, Madame Fuying, instantly turned “red” (local slang for “popular”) and topped the list of the most inspirational figures of the Two Sessions on China’s social media outlets. Many were utterly smitten by her elegant heart-warming style during press conferences. Most notably was her amiable but firm response to a Japanese reporter, who asked whether China would become more aggressive in the future. She cheerfully replied that the Chinese people actually thought the government was not tough enough in responding to the Diaoyu Island issue. She added that Japan broke the consensus first, therefore, it was inevitable that China shoul

Mr. Tjhin Kin Fa and his 5 Golden Flowers: Happy International Women's Day!

My Dad, Mr. Tjhin Kin Fa 陈京华,  has 5 daughters. No son. “Only” 5 daughters. And I am the third of five, the notorious middle child. There were times when some jerks back home would undermine my Dad for not being able to "continue the Tjhin's bloodline". I once threw a chair to one particular jerk because that jerk, after a petty petty quarrel, yelled at my Dad and said, "Well, at least, unlike you, I still have 'REAL' descendants !!" Ok, I might have been somewhat childish and volatile then, but I still keep the same kind of disrespect to that kind of chauvinist representation. If you haven't known already, Chinese community (Mainland or overseas) follow a  patriarch tradition, where it is the male descendant who maintains the family bloodline. In other words, if you have no son, no one will "continue your bloodline" because your daughters will be married off to other family and take their in-law's family name. Irregardless so,

OPINION: Coping with ultra-nationalism in China

The Jakarta Post, March 04 2013 “This shop does not accept Japanese, Philippines, Vietnamese and dogs”, reads a picture posted on Facebook, of a poster on the front door of a restaurant at Lake Houhai, one of Beijing’s popular tourist spots. The restaurant owner, Mr. Wang, proudly told the BBC that he did it because he loves his country and that many customers support his act. Since maritime disputes flared up in the South China Sea and Diaoyu Islands, so too have reports of ultra-nationalism in China. I remember when there was news of a near clash in the South China Sea early last year, ultra-nationalism materialized into different hot topics trending on Weibo (China’s Twitter), including a revival of the May 1998 riot topic. I remember one comment, “Don’t let the Filipinos do to Chinese overseas compatriots as the Indonesians did in May 98!” I used Baidu (China’s Google) to discover the Chinese people’s perception of Indonesia at the time. Of the 10 most popular topics, four we