
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

The Jakarta Post: RI not to interfere in China’s ‘reeducation’ of Uighurs

Indonesia will not interfere in China’s handling of Uighur Muslims sent to so-called ideological reeducation camps, with officials hopeful that Beijing will uphold the rule of law and human rights. Even as the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, Indonesia and other members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) were careful in addressing the issue of detained Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang province, as they relate to the “common concerns” of radicalism, terrorism and separatism, said Achsanul Habib, the Foreign Ministry’s human rights director. “It is the basic principle of our international policy that the government respects the sovereignty of other countries and will not interfere in their internal affairs,” Achsanul told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday. “Regarding ethnic Uighurs, Indonesia believes the Chinese government will soon settle the issues in accordance with the rule of law, while continuing to uphold the best human rights protection principles for all its

Hollings Center Interview: China’s Engagement in Southeast Asia

What is the nature of China's engagement in Southeast Asia?  Is there a willingness on behalf of China to cooperate with the US on certain areas and issues?  Christine Susanna Tjhin explains further in the video here . Christine Susanna Tjhin is senior researcher at the Department of International Relations, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia. She is also the convener of CSIS China Study Group and her research interests include China’s politics and foreign policy, Sino-Indonesian comprehensive strategic partnership, and the role of local governments in bilateral relations.  Prior to joining CSIS, Christine was program officer at the Indonesian Pluralism Institute (IPI) from 2002-2003, during which she focused on pluralism, peace building and civil society empowerment. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in management from Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, and master’s degree in East Asian studies from the Australian National University (ANU). She wa


虽然这个学术会议以印尼为主,但其中涉及中国的话题占了相当大的比例。 从举办方也能看出这一点,研讨会由暨南大学印度尼西亚研究中心、中国社会科学院东南亚研究中心、暨南大学东南亚研究中心联合举办。 与会的学者主要来自中国和印尼的高等学府、研究机构,同时还有马来西亚、新加坡等国学者的身影。 政知君全程参加了8个小时的研讨会,收获满满。其中不乏一些时政“彩蛋“,比如印尼驻华大使周浩黎就透露了中印两国领导人近年来交往的细节。 刚来中国履新的印尼驻华大使周浩黎也来到了研讨会现场。 会上,周浩黎首先评价了中国印尼两国关系的发展水平。在说明两国关系持续向前发展时,他谈到了两国高层的交往。 周浩黎介绍,印尼总统佐科2014年上台以来,两国的最高领导人已会面6次。他说,在两国关系发展中,领导人会面频繁是十分重要的。 周浩黎还介绍了一个细节。他说: “中国印尼两国领导人在每次的会谈过程当中起码都会谈1个小时以上,而按照国际的惯例,很多高级的官员互访只是一次性地谈15分钟左右,但是我们两国之间的高层领导人则有一个十分深入的交流,这对双方来说是一个很好的事情。”   中国社会科学院东南亚研究中心主任许利平也提到,中国印尼两国除了领导人互访外,双方最高领导人通过电话的交谈,也达到了5次以上。   对话:“一带一路”也要注重当地公共产品   在本次研讨会上,“一带一路”倡议是核心问题之一。包括印尼在内的数个东南亚国家都处于“一带一路”的陆海交汇地带,是中国推进“一带一路”建设的优先方向和重要伙伴。   政知道采访了两位专家,分别是新加坡南洋理工大学人文与社会科学院院长刘宏和印尼战略与国际问题研究中心高级研究员 Christine Susanna Tjhin (陈姝伶)。   看看他们对于“一带一路”倡议有何观察和理解   政知道:“一带一路”倡议从提出至今,马上就满5年了。您对这一倡议的印象如何?5年的研究中,您有什么新观察?   陈姝伶:“一带一路”倡议5年前提出时,我就认为这个倡议是好的,因为这个倡议能够改变和重塑全球的结构和局面。   从长远看,我认为,“一带一路”倡议成功与否取决于中国和倡议相关国如何展开合作,同时整个过程是否能够平稳、负责任的、远离腐败的进行;而且共建“一带一路”的成果惠及中国和所有相关国也是一个重要因素。   5年

The Interpreter: Student politics: Indonesians confront China prejudice

Allegations of communist indoctrination of Indonesian students in China again shows the country’s struggle to reconcile tropes of the past. Marsha Harini is an Indonesian student who has lived in China for the past seven years. She graduated from one of the international schools in Shanghai, spent a year learning Mandarin at a university in Nanjing, and is currently completing the third year of a bachelor’s degree at Wuhan University. “Not once”, she says, “have I studied or gone to a communism class.” Yet the spectre of communism is once again haunting Indonesia, a country with a long and tumultuous history of oppression against anyone seen to have been involved with the communist party. This time, the controversy comes in the form of an article published in March by Indonesian online newspaper Republika, which claimed that Indonesian students in China are studying communist ideology. The comments were attributed to the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sofyan Anif,

Sydney Morning Herald: Suharto's fall was bloody and frightening, and I was there

I'll never forget what my boss told me on the morning of May 21, 1998. “He’ll resign. Today!” He was referring to Suharto, the former general officially installed as Indonesia's president in 1968 and still there 30 years later. A Jakarta man in the debris-littered streets on May 16, 1998.CREDIT:AP It was 6.30am and I was in a taxi on the way to work. Students had been protesting for months, demanding Suharto step down in the midst of a severe regional monetary crisis that led to allegations of corruption and nepotism, alongside accusations of human rights abuses. The last big student protest against Suharto had been in 1974. After those riots, Suharto's government moved gradually into the universities and silenced the student movement. By 1998, for most Indonesians, it was unthinkable that the country might be led by anyone but Suharto. He was too strong to be overthrown. But what happened on May 12, 1998, changed all that. Four students from the private Trisakti Universit

观察者网: 印尼骚乱二十年:华人地位提升 种族标签依旧

据英国广播公司(BBC)24日报道,虽然已经过去了20年,但印尼华人仍然对发生在1998年的那场骚乱历历在目。这20年中,当地政府撤销了对华人的很多禁令,华人的地位得到提升。不过,仍然有部分政客和印尼当地人会随时拿种族问题大做文章。随着中国和印尼关系日渐密切,印尼华人的角色也愈发重要起来。 20年前的5月21日,印尼总统苏哈托宣布辞职,结束30多年的独裁统治。在这之前,示威者在首都雅加达举行连续多星期的示威,更一度演变成骚乱,多家印尼华人的商店被抢掠,据报造成1000多人死亡,近百名妇女被强暴。 这20年,印尼政府撤消了许多苏哈托时代针对华人的禁令。华人再次可以公开庆祝农历新年、也可以使用中文名字和参政。 但即便如此,多数印尼人与华人在种族问题上的争议从未消失。 1998年5月21日,经过多个星期的示威后,印尼总统苏哈托辞去职务,结束30多年的统治。 报道称,新加坡尤索夫伊萨东南亚研究院(ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute)去年调查发现,大部份受访的印尼人仍然认为华人掌握着当地经济,接近一半受访者说他们“无法与印尼华人交朋友”。 专家指出,种族问题在政治上仍然是印尼社会上一大分歧。 不过,也有印尼华人说,在他们眼中,“印尼人”和“华人”两个名称,其实可以共存,没有冲突。 20年前的记忆 1998年5月12日,约6000名学生和教职员在印尼首都雅加达的特里萨克蒂大学(Trisakti University)静坐,要求总统苏哈托下台。在场的军人和警察突然向在场的人开火,造成四名学生死亡。 1998年雅加达骚乱期间,多家华人开设的商店被抢掠。 当时,印尼受亚洲金融危机影响,经济增长放缓,货币大幅贬值,令物价飞涨。枪击事件发生前,示威者已经多星期在街上游行,要求政府改善经济。这些游行慢慢演变成反政府示威,再变成骚乱,目标是被视为掌控印尼经济的华人社区。 印尼华人陈姝伶(Christine Susanna Tjhin)当时二十多岁,是塔鲁玛迦大学(Tarumanagara University)的本科生 ,上学的地方毗邻特里萨克蒂大学。 因为骚乱,她已经多天没去学校,待在家里。据她描述,枪击傍晚,有一群示威者聚集在她家门外尝试强行打开闸门。 陈姝伶和当地许多华人一样,安装了四至五米高的坚固闸门,示威者进不去她的家。陈姝伶记得示威者扰攘了数小时,直至太阳下山


4月9日,由中国发展研究基金会、中国对外承包工程商会、印尼战略与国际问题研究中心(CSIS)联合发起的“‘一带一路’框架下的中国印尼基础设施国际合作交流会”于印尼首都雅加达香格里拉酒店成功举办。 印尼战略与国际问题研究中心(CSIS)、印尼工商会馆中国委员会(KIKT)、印尼—中国经济社会文化合作协会 (LIC)、印尼留华同学联谊会(PERHATI)、印尼中资企业商会等当地机构,中国电建国际公司、中国铁建、中国交建、中国建筑、中国港湾、中国路桥、中国葛洲坝集团、中国中铁、中国武夷实业、中国青建等承包商会会员企业组成的“一带一路”基础设施国际合作代表团与会。 会议由KIKT监护委员Adi Harsono 主持,中国发展研究基金会副秘书长肖庆文、中国对外承包工程商会会长房秋晨、CSIS高级研究员Christine Susanna Tjhin 致辞。 KIKT监护委员Adi Harsono 对与会中方代表致以诚挚的欢迎。他指出,近年来,印尼政府积极改善国内投资环境,大力发展基础设施领域,中国印尼合作稳步发展。中方提出“一带一路”倡议后,两国双边贸易及投资更是上了一个新台阶。但不可忽视的是,“一带一路”倡议在印尼并未得到很好的诠释,印尼还有不少人对“一带一路”的内涵和目的不了解。为此,中国印尼双方要加强沟通,推动两国在互利合作上行稳致远,而本次交流会就是一个有效的平台。 肖庆文副秘书长认为,“一带一路”倡议为中国重新注入了全球化思维,推进了中国企业“走出去”在全球承揽业务,实质性地参与到国际市场之中,加速了企业自身的国际化步伐。在新思维和新合作模式带来的陌生感下,国际社会对“一带一路”倡议产生疑虑和争议不可避免,为让各国更好地了解“一带一路”,并参与到互惠合作中,组建智库网络,促进全球各国智库共同发挥政策影响力,成为题中之义。相信通过此次交流会,与会代表在分享宝贵思想的同时,能够倾听来自更多方面的声音,加深相互理解,为中国印尼双方合作找到更多契合点。 房秋晨会长在致辞中表示,“一带一路”倡议提出五年来,正从中国倡议转变成全球共识,并不断为国际基建发展带来政策红利。对基础设施建设有着大量需求的印尼,应紧紧抓住“一带一路”带来的合作契机,借助承包商会会员企业强大的业务实力,积极参与到区域基础设施互联互通中。通过此次与印尼智库进行交流的机会,希望双方能够更好地挖掘中国与印尼互利合 China Perlahan Diminati Pelajar Indonesia

INILAMPUNG.COM - Pelajar Indonesia diberi kesempatan belajar penuh di China. Saat ini ada 14 ribu orang Indonesia belajar di China. Tahun lalu, Beijing mengumumkan memberi kesempatan 197 beasiswa penuh untuk pelajar Indonesia yang ingin mengejar gelar sarjana dan pascasarjana. Namun, studi di China masih relatif asing di kalangan pelajar Indonesia. Peluang itu baru mendapat respons usai rezim Orde Baru tumbang. Sebagian besar siswa yang lahir setelah zaman Suharto, jauh lebih sedikit dipengaruhi sentimen anti-China yang melanda Indonesia selama beberapa dekade. Sentimen anti-China di Indonesia masih ada, tapi perlahan menjadi kurang jelas, kata Christine Tjhin, peneliti senior Pusat Kajian Strategis dan Internasional Indonesia, dikutip dari SCMP, Kamis (5/4/2018). "Kecurigaan terhadap warga China mungkin lebih banyak tentang masalah domestik Indonesia, khususnya terkait akses ekonomi, stereotip rasial dan, mungkin pada tingkat yang lebih rendah, masalah ideologis seperti komunism

BBC: Pelajar Indonesia di Cina: Kami tidak ditanami paham komunis

Pelajar Indonesia di Cina membantah laporan yang menyebutkan bahwa semua pelajar di negeri itu ditanami ideologi komunis. Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Tiongkok mengatakan laporan tersebut tidak didasari sumber dan fakta yang akurat. Seorang pelajar Indonesia mengatakan pendidikan tentang komunisme memang diwajibkan bagi pelajar lokal, tapi tidak bagi pelajar asing. Adapun pelajar asing mempelajarinya hanya sebagai materi akademis. Laporan yang diterbitkan di situs berita Republika pada hari Minggu (01/04) mengutip Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) Sofyan Anif, yang mengaku diundang menteri pendidikan Cina dalam pertemuan rektor di negara tersebut. Sofyan menceritakan bahwa, menurut salah satu rektor perguruan tinggi di Cina, saat ini pemerintah Cina tengah gencar-gencarnya menanamkan ideologi komunis kepada seluruh pelajar. "Artinya apa, artinya siswa yang berasal dari Indonesia pun itu juga pasti mendapatkan pelajaran yang terkait ideologi komunis," kata

SindoNews: Para Pelajar Indonesia Studi di China, antara Impian dan Tabu

Jevon Tantono adalah "mechatronics geek" Indonesia. Matanya menatap tajam ketika dia berbicara tentang peluang mempelajari rekayasa mekanik, elektronik, teknik komputer dan telekomunikasi. Pekerjaan impiannya adalah membangun robot industri. Baginya, hanya ada satu tempat untuk mengejar impian itu, yakni China. Universitas-universitas di Indonesia, ujar dia, tidak memiliki program mechatronic dan Tantono akan terjebak belajar teknik mesin jika dia tetap tinggal di Indonesia. "Itu sangat (menjadi) pilihan kedua saya," kata Tantono, 18. Tatapan tajam matanya berangsur memudar ketika ditanya apakah impian seperti itu bisa terwujud di Indonesia. Tantono adalah salah satu dari lusinan mahasiswa yang ikut pameran pendidikan baru-baru ini di Medan. Pameran itu menampilkan banyak institut terbaik di China, negara yang menyisakan gagasan tabu bagi sebagian warga Indonesia. Namun, di balik tabu bahkan sentimen anti-China yang bermunculan di Indonesia, negeri Tirai Bambu itu j

Asia Times: Jakarta's New Governor in a Bait-and-Switch

Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan recently marked his first 100 days in office after an election campaign that played on religious and racial divisions while promising low-income city dwellers generous social programs. While he continues to stir divisive controversy it’s not clear he’ll be able to deliver on his populist vows. Baswedan’s campaign offered a glimpse of what might be on the horizon as Indonesia gears up for what are expected to be heated parliamentary and presidential polls in 2019. And his first 100 days may also provide forewarning of the bait-and-switch policy tactics national level politicians may deploy to win elected office at next year’s polls. Baswedan made common cause during his campaign with the hardline Islamic Defenders Front, a morality brigade best known for smashing up bars in the name of Muslim values. The group contributed to the mass rallies staged against incumbent governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, an ethnic Chinese Christian – a deciding factor