
Menampilkan postingan dari 2005

OPINION: Ending the cruelty of law

The Jakarta Post, June 30, 2005. Almost seven years after reform, the rule of law as one of the key pillars of democracy remains a fragile one. In law enforcement, we seek the certainty of the law, but what we get is the cruelty of the law. According to the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association's (PBHI) report for 2002, the police are responsible for 60 percent of reported cases of state violence. In 2004, another human rights organization, Imparsial, made similar conclusion after researching media reports on violence. Since the National Police separated from the Indonesian Military (TNI) -- as part of the reform of Indonesia's security sector and the democratization process -- the police have regained their full original mandate to protect and to serve the people, as stated in Law No. 2/2002 on the National Police. We know that police reform has not been as "popular" as military reform. The police face the extensive tasks of curbing corruption and

OPINION: How the Chinese Indonesians share their wealth

The Jakarta Post, February 12, 2005 It has been a hallmark of Chinese New Year (or Imlek) to share angpao (red envelopes) as a gesture of sharing wealth, luck and joy. What does a Chinese Indonesian have to share in this Imlek of 2556? In light of the tsunami catastrophe several Chinese Indonesian religious and cultural associations found it necessary to call for more moderate celebrations. Perhaps it was a futile call -- remembering how during New Year's Eve, less than a week after the disaster, frenzied parties were still held. After all, Imlek these days is no longer a closed family celebration. Since 2000 it has become a festive national occasion -- mainly thanks to the media and business sector. Nevertheless, the call is a sympathetic gesture that we ought to respect. Festive or moderate, Imlek is an expression, even at the most superficial level, of the extent to which Chinese Indonesians are freely able to express themselves and of how much they are generally accepted

OPINI: Isu negatif di tengah bencana

Koran Tempo, January 11, 2005 Di tengah hiruk-pikuk fatalnya bencana tsunami, meningkatnya jumlah kematian dan korban luka-luka, derasnya aliran pengungsi ke daerah aman, ramainya bantuan kemanusiaan dari berbagai penjuru, semrawutnya koordinasi aliran bantuan, dan simpang-siurnya informasi, masyarakat Indonesia masih harus menghadapi isu-isu yang berbau suku, agama, dan ras. Maraknya isu-isu ini merupakan konflik laten yang berpotensi besar menghambat jalannya proses bantuan kemanusiaan di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara, juga melukai kebersamaan masyarakat Indonesia yang beragam, yang selama ini terbangun secara alamiah dalam merespons bencana. Berdasarkan pengamatan dari tim relawan gabungan kami di Medan dan Banda Aceh, setidaknya ada beberapa rumor yang sudah berimplikasi besar. Isu penjarahan, pembakaran, dan pemerkosaan terhadap etnis Tionghoa, isu penganiayaan terhadap kelompok agama minoritas, dan beribu macam isu lain berseliweran, terutama melalui surat elektronik dan pesan pend

OPINION: Wounding the spirit of humanity

The Jakarta Post, January 8, 2005 The compassionate appeal made by Jusuf Wanandi to all citizens, particularly Chinese-Indonesians, to help Aceh and Indonesia cannot be emphasized enough (The Jakarta Post, Jan. 4). The caution to dismiss politics in the long-term handling of humanitarian aid goes hand in hand with the urgent need and grim future of the tsunami victims and refugees. The opportunity for reconciliation may be in peril because of racial and religious prejudices, if you believe the rumors circulating around Aceh, Jakarta and beyond. Based on our observations in the field, there are several major issues that could cause conflict. At stake is not only the rehabilitation of Aceh, but also the very foundation of Indonesian unity. False stories about looting, burning and rape targeting the ethnic Chinese in Aceh, the abuse of religious minorities and other rumors have been circulating via email and SMS. Some people responded to these ridiculous rumors by calling for a stop